Friday, April 29, 2005

What does your hair color say about you?

I've been pondering this today, after a dream I had last night involving a female with a certain hair color. I realized, that most of my friendships with women with this certain hair color have NOT worked out. So I decided to do a little research on what hair color says about a person, and maybe I can uncover my distress with these certain hair-colored-people. :)

Here's what I've learned so far:

Women with BLACK hair are perceived to be mysterious and artistic, as well as powerful, intelligent and serious. The negative perception is that these dark-haired beauties are dishonest and sneaky.

BRUNETTE’s convey intelligence, glamour and sophistication. However, these earth mothers may also be perceived as lacking imagination.

Just as the color RED has the power to increase heart rate, redheads are perceived as sassy extroverts who demand – and often command – the center of attention. On the other hand, redheads can appear to be brassy, hot tempered and unreasonable.

It’s true – BLONDES are perceived to have more fun. They also communicate allure, passion and youthfulness. However, they can also be perceived as frivolous and incapable.

"Lacking imagination" huh? (I'm brunette) I guess that's why I've gone black sometimes with my color - I want my artisticness and mysteriousness to shine through.

I still haven't figured out the answer to my situation, but maybe some further research will uncover something interesting and informative.

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