Wednesday, April 13, 2005

Organization & Exercise

Yes they do go hand in hand. As I lie on my office floor, doing sit ups, while I break between sets, I gaze up at the ceiling, and at the shelves of the built in desk. What a mess......I've thought for the past week or so. Today, I couldn't stand the clutter on those shelves anymore! It was TIME TO CLEAN UP.

By the time I'd finished getting my books organized, cleaning the shelves, standing on a stool to put pictures on top and all the books back onto the shelves, not to mention cleaning out the drawers and getting all of my supplies in order and organized, I had worked up a pretty good sweat. So not only do I now have a clean, organized office (as my daughter says "It looks bigger in here..."), but I got some good exercise too. How about that? :)

A while ago, the sun peeked out, and I thought I might manage a walk today too....but alas, the clouds are back and it's damp and I think I'll stay put in the house. I can go up and down the stairs about 50 times while dinner cooks, and probably get a good result.

Fifty situps made it into my schedule today, as did 10 push ups and 25 leg lifts for each leg. Still haven't made any beads, but that's coming up next. I have a design which is frustrating me, and I'm hoping I've worked up enough pent up energy during cleaning time so I can settle down and figure this one out.

Dr. Phil's a repeat, so is Oprah (again....what's UP WITH THAT? Is Oprah on vacation? Seems like all I see of her are repeats). So I'll be working on a bead during those 2 hours.

Oh and I added a wholesale ordering page to my website, so I've worked on getting things done there today too. I feel I've accomplished a lot so far today, despite the fact none of it was what I had planned. Sometimes you just have to let go and "go with the flow" - I've gotten somewhat better about that over the years. :)

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