Monday, April 18, 2005

Oh God, it's monday again

Yep...another week has started. I'm dragging today - just feeling all out of sorts. Don't know if I had weird dreams or what. I emailed Paula this morning with a half a thought on an idea she has - and several minutes later, the rest of the idea decided to arrive in my little brain, so I emailed her again. It's like - HEY BRAIN, you awake in there? It's very frustrating. Perhaps it was the 3 beers I drank yesterday. Or it could have been the pork chops...maybe they weighted me down.

Speaking of weight...another pound and a half is gone. Guess that's what mowing the yard with a pushmower does! I've already done the walk today, and I don't know if I'll do floor exercises or not. I'm just wiped out for some reason. Hey, maybe it was the sunshine...I was out in the sun a lot over the past 3 days. Not a problem today - it's mostly cloudy and I'm staying in...supposed to be working, but I haven't even gotten started yet.

I turned on the radio in here - maybe it will pep me up. And Paula just shared a funny blog:
Take a gander at it if you dare. LOL

I still can't believe it's Monday. My phone hasn't rang yet....usually the bill collectors and solicitors start in early in the am on Monday. Maybe a miracle happened...maybe my bills have all disappeared - vanished - and maybe the solicitors are on vacation. I never answer their calls - but I kind of miss them when they don't call...go figure. :)

Other than all of that, life is least I'm still breathing, even if I'm dragging!

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