Sunday, June 26, 2005

Finding a Style & Form of Expression

I've been in "sculpting class" all weekend. I have some tutorials I had printed out on sculpting people/dolls. I also purchased a book on Friday about sculpting characters and caricatures. So I've been studying all weekend.

One person I've been studying is Patricia Rose. I plan on ordering her DVD's as soon as I can. She is a true master at sculpting in polymer! One thing I read on her website is this: "The world is an ugly place, we want to escape and are doing it by submerging ourselves in fantasy." That struck home with me, as well as several other things said.

And on her tips page, she gives what I consider to be a valuable small exercise a person can do to "find a style", which is something I've been working on for a while. So I now am working through the exercise she suggests and maybe my style will soon become evident.

Here is the exercise:

Write down on paper a list of all the things you like on one page and all the things you hate on another. Even if you are a negative person, soon the like’s page will be fuller than the dislikes. Write every thought you have down. If you like stainless steel milk trucks, write it down. Or sheeting rain on your window. Then take the list and start to look for things to relate to your dolls and your art. There is a pattern in there, trust me! If nothing else comes of it, you’ll know yourself better and be on your road to finding your tastes and style!

I have to go out this morning and get groceries - I'm also going to stop at Target and pick up some more tools I need to sculpt these tiny figures more accurately. Then after I get home and get the groceries put away it's time to go to Sears and purchase my new lawnmower. Hopefully they have the one I want in stock and it would even be a better blessing if it were on sale! (crossing my fingers!)

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