Thursday, February 16, 2006

Dream Seeker Pattern

I still have a small bit of my DREAM SEEKER pattern left, so I hope today to create 1-2 more pieces using this pattern.

Each of my Fragment patterns are named, and the amount of pieces produced with a certain pattern are limited - one a pattern is gone, it's gone forever! From one of my hand-fashioned pattern sheets, I may be able to produce as many as 5-10 artistic creations with the design, or perhaps only one.

As you can see below, I've created 3 miniature abstract paintings and one unique necklace using this pattern. I'll probably create another jewelry piece from the amount of the pattern which is left (above). But once that's done, this pattern and color combination is gone forever. This keeps with my desire to create unique items for those who like to express their individuality and who have a passion for uncommon design work.

I'm also working on more ideas for sculpted beads. I realize I cannot create EVERY dog breed in the universe, so I am picking some of my favorite breeds based on dogs I have owned, or dogs family members own, or dogs I wish to own someday. I'm going to narrow it down to 2-4 breeds. The Chow Chow and Bulldog are 2 of my definite selections. My daughter loves Pomeranians, and I think they are adorable as well, so I might add the breed to my mix. The bulldog pieces I'm going to do will be humorous and themed. Other pieces will be more along the lines of portrait jewels as I've been doing so far, with different poses and colors of dogs.


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