Thursday, October 13, 2005

THE PLUME - my peacock feather pendant

It's been a hectic past couple of days here and I haven't got any work done at all. UGH! Anyway, I did finish this pendant a couple of days ago. I named it "The Plume" and it is modeled afer a peacock feather. I've placed it up on EBAY for auction this week. I started the auction at only 99 cents. Crazy? Yeah. :) But I do this often when I choose to list something on Ebay.

I can't believe tomorrow is Friday already. I am WAY behind on my goals for the week, and am hoping tomorrow after I go eat my Friday Mexican lunch, I'll get reinspired. I always get inspired when I go there. I don't know if it's the hot and spicy food, the buzz of other customers, or looking at the vibrant colored artwork they have hanging all around. It's such a COOL place. I've been eating there for about 13 years now. I used to eat there every day during the week when I worked at the firm. Now I just go on Fridays. It's my one thing I can look forward to each week - and boy do I!


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