Wednesday, November 26, 2008

More scrimshaw...a Scarlet Macaw parrot pendant

This design was created on the same style of flat bone bead as the previous design I shared. Only this one was quite a bit more challenging! I chose one of my favorite subjects - a parrot. This is a Scarlet Macaw. Trying to execute this design on a 1/2" wide space was very hard on the eyes and hands. There are hundreds...maybe thousands...of tiny dots and etch marks. Color was adding in layers and worked into the impressions as I went along. I think it turned out very good for my second scrimshaw. I am still working up more designs on some of these bone pieces and I'm anxiously awaiting the arrival of my tagua nuts, so I can have a bigger work space! (even a one inch piece would be heaven compared to this 1/2" one! LOL)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

See? Look at that! I can't imagine the painstaking work that went to the parrot. The colors are luscious. And 1/2"? Horrors! I can't even see 1/2"! LOL