Sunday, September 18, 2005

Prowlin' in Pink....and Proudness!

Good MORNING world! What a beautiful day here in West TN! Thought I'd share a piece of work I finished up last night. I've been thinking for a while about doing some cool art pendants based on current fashions. I saw this SMASHING ad by Loreal featuring Beyonce' and I designed a pendant to match her cool pink and black Pink Prowler hat. You can see details in my NEW album titled "Fashionables" on the website:

Also, my daughter was in her first horse show yesterday. She's only been riding since July, and she won 3 second place ribbons and 1 fourth place ribbon. Here's a photo of her on Copper Top. Copper decided to be a stinker and act up on her in her first class, and if she had of controlled him better during that, she probably would have received higher than a 4th in that class. She needs to work on controlling him better. Still, she did VERY WELL for a beginning rider and especially well for her first show! Now I need to sell some more jewels so she can enter the last show of the season on October 15! She had a BALL and she now wants to do every show.

I'm off to take a walk on this gorgeous fall morning and enjoy the cool, brisk weather. Later,


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